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How OCR is Used in Organizations

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has the ability of discerning different languages and symbols. You can also recreate the original layout, fonts, color and type size of your files by using this technology.

OCR is also used in PDF technology in which it converts the image-based PDF files into the textual format. The image-based PDF files can be read easily by using Classic PDF which is the best PDF reader but these files cannot be edited as these are in textual format. For making the files editable you need to convert the files into text form by using OCR technology.

Most of the organizations are using OCR for capturing and processing the official documents. It also helps in eliminating the use of paper.

Use of OCR:

• The speed and productivity of work can be increased by converting the files into digital format from the paper. Moreover, OCR also allows you to convert your files into those digital formats that are more accessible such as PDF. • Eliminate the need for manual data entry that takes more time and effort • Lower the cost associated with the data entry processes • Data accuracy is increased by removing the human error caused in manual entry. • For reducing the manual sorting • Improving the customer service • For the evolution of your solution as the business expands

Below, we have also provided some specific examples that will help you to understand that how the businesses are using this technology.

Cloud storage

Most of the organizations are storing their files on cloud storage devices so that different employees can access the files at the same time. The employees are able to:

• Access the storehouse of the company • Search the document by using text search • Edit the files by using versioning features • Collaborate with other people at the workplace • Perform different tasks like approving invoices

Mailroom automation

OCR is used by companies for automating their mailrooms. All the incoming documents are analyzed, stored and shared automatically. This helps in providing the information at a faster pace to the teams.

Invoice automation

Paper invoices are usually scanned in organizations. The validation of the data is done automatically in order to ensure accuracy. It helps in making the financial system of the department more efficient.

Form automation

The form processing can be automated by scanning the forms that are in paper format and converting the forms into PDF format. The validation of the data takes place for confirming the accuracy. All the forms can be stored in the Document Management System (DMS) of the company.

Information recovery

One of the most common benefits of OCR is that it can be used for making the PDF files searchable. OCR converts the image-based PDF files into text form. Nowadays, there are many PDF Editing software programs that possess the OCR technology.

So, in this article, we have presented that how the businesses are using OCR technology. If you have any questions, please let us know in the comment section below:

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