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Things to look out for before Publishing a PDF Document

PDF is a universal format due to which most of the official files are found in this format. So, Microsoft Word to PDF conversion is required in order to make files more secure and easily shareable. But there are certain problems that can take place while publishing a PDF document. This article covers some of the major problems that can occur during the conversion process.

1) Problems with Conversion:

In some cases, the conversion of the document fails that result in the creation of vector objects on the page. The detailed vector images reduce the readability of the content. This problem can be solved by following the simple steps given below:

  • Use any of the best PDF reader available online to see that which of the pages load slowly. The pages that load the slowest are complex pages with many vector objects.

  • Remove the complex pages and repeat the conversion process in order to check whether the conversion is successful or not.

  • Now flatten the complex pages or simplify their design.

2) Problems with links:

After conversion, the links might not work. You can ensure it by following the steps given below:

  • Add prefixes to the links e.g., www. or http(s)://

  • Blank spaces must be added on both sides of the link. The link must not be separated by line breaks.

  • In case you need to turn full pages into links then it must be made sure that the link area is not larger than the size of the actual page. There must be space for margin around the link area.

3) Problems with font:

One of the most common problems in PDF conversion is the font issue. When the Word document is converted to PDF, there can be a problem of font. The specific font style used in the document may not be available in PDF format files. This problem can be solved by including fonts in them. Font files can easily be embedded in the PDF files.

In case fonts are not added in the file, there are many affordable PDF editing software available, that can find the closest match as a replacement for the original font.

4) Problems with text:

An author must ensure that images added in the file are not overlapping with the text after conversion. All the pages of the converted PDF document must have clear and crisp text.

5) Problems with layout:

The following tips can be helpful if there is any problem with layout when publishing a PDF document.

  • A different printer or a different version of PDF can be used.

  • The vector images can be replaced with bitmap format.

  • An unsupported layout feature can also cause problems. The user can try an alternative layout feature.

  • If the images in PDF file are not visible then there must be some unsupported features used in graphics. The layout can be flattened to solve this issue.

These are some of the common issues that usually arise while publishing a PDF document. Tell us how you resolve these issues in the comments below.

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